Astronomie: Asteroiden

Gehört zu: Astronomie
Siehe auch: Sonnensystem, IAU, Bahnelemente

Stand: 26.06.2024

Asteroiden kann man entdecken und dann kann der Entdecker einen Namesvorschlag beim Minor Planet Center der IAU einreichen.

Asteroiden entdecken

Mein Bruder Rainer Kracht, Jost Jahn, etc.

Dazu benötigt man mehrere Beobachtungen mit guten Koordinaten und Zeiten, sodass Bahnelemente ermittelt werden können.

Namen für Asteroiden

Nach einer bestätigten Entdeckung wird des Objekt numeriert; z.B. (499367) 2010 AB, was in einem elektronischen Zirkular “MPEC” veröffentlicht wird.

Der Entdecker kann dann einen Namensvorschlag machen.

Die Regeln der WGSBN (Working Group Small Body Nomenclature)  sind folgende:

Dazu bräuchten wir eine sog. “citation”

Liste von Asteroiden-Namen

(499367) 2010 AB       Monikasirp

16.01.2024 2010 AB = KRA037 = 499367 has been named Monikasirp

(499367) Monikasirp = 2010 AB
Discovery: 2010-01-05 / R. Kracht * / Sierra Stars / G68
Monika Sirp (b. 1958) was drawn to physics and mathematics from Asimov’s science-
fiction novels. In her professional life, she has worked in the energy field, focusing on
fossil-free possibilities. Monika supports her husband, Dietrich Kracht, a German amateur

(331105)    Gieselher

14.04.2017 2009 XG9 = KRA033 = 331105 has been named Giselher (orbit diagram and citation):

(331105) Giselher = 2009 XG9 Discovered 2009 Dec. 13 by R. Kracht at Sonoita (IRO).
Dietrich Giselher Kracht (b. 1944) is the elder brother of the discoverer,
who introduced him to astronomy at the observatory of the Olbers-Gesellschaft in Bremen.

(464150) 2014 YN5  Kresken

08.11.2023 2010 AA = KRA036 = 2014 YN4 = 454150 has been named Kresken:

(464150) Kresken = 2014 YN5
Discovery: 2010-01-04 / R. Kracht * / Sierra Stars / G68
Rainer Kresken (b. 1962) is a German amateur astronomer and a professionnal space flight
engineer with ESA. He discovered more than 10 asteroids and is very active in astro clubs in
Germany. He introduces and teaches kids and amateurs in practical astronomical topics. Rainer is
one of the leaders of the public observatory at Heppenheim.

10.12.2011 2010 EQ45 = KRA052 = 301638 has been named Kressin (orbit diagram and citation):

(301638) Kressin Discovered 2010 Mar. 14 by R. Kracht at the Iowa Robotic Observatory, Sonoita.
     Named after the old Pomeranian family Kressin.  Margarete Kressin
(1891-1980) was the grandmother of the discoverer and taught him the
star names.

233967 Vierkant Discovered 2010 Jan. 24 by R. Kracht at the Sierra Stars Observatory.
Gisela Vierkant (b. 1919), mother of the discoverer, lived for many years in the city of Bremen, where
Wilhelm Olbers discovered (2) Pallas and (4) Vesta at the Lilienthal Observatory.